Ever find yourself checking your Calendar, Sent Emails, and/or Post-It Notes in an attempt to figure out exactly where your time went on a given day? We created the Timeline view (located under Time - Timeline) for moments like these. It's the ultimate safety net that helps you piece together these holes in your time.
How the Timeline Works
The Timeline literally captures your time down to the minute. From when you start work in the morning, until when you stop working in the evening or night, the Timeline will have everything in a play-by-play format.
The Timeline displays the Start Time, End Time, Duration, and Activity Details. When you stop working on a given activity, the Timeline will start a new row to reflect your new activity.
The Summary view is actually a roll up of the Timeline - it combines similar entries from the Timeline and totals them up.
The Timeline - Summary Relationship
The Summary view totals up each individual instance from the Timeline into a single time entry. Here is an Adobe PDF document that I spent 7 minutes reading (per the Summary view), entitled "The Economist - Billable Hour Not Dead.pdf".
By mousing over the time entry, I can click the Timeline button to see exactly when I was reading this PDF. We can see that the 7 minute total is actually composed of three different instances on the Timeline:
Categorizing & Annotating Directly From the Timeline
You can categorize time entries directly from the Timeline by checking the box to the left of the entry, selecting the Move To Project dropdown, and then selecting the appropriate project for categorization. The Project column, located on the far-right side of the table, will update accordingly.
Use the Move To Project dropdown to categorize entries from the Timeline.
Tip: Select multiple consecutive entries at once by selecting the first entry, holding down the Shift key, and selecting the last entry you want. Each entry in between the two will also be selected.
Multiple consecutive entries categorized to the same Project.
Use the & Annotate button in the Move To Project dropdown located to the right of the Project you are categorizing the entries to, to annotate and categorize at the same time.
The "& Annotate" button (lower-right) will allow you to annotate entries as you categorize them.
You can annotate entries without categorizing them by checking the box to the left of the entry, clicking the blue Annotate button (with pen icon), and entering an annotation in the resulting popup.
Annotate button.
Add / Edit Annotation popup window.
Remember that you can also setup rules to categorize these entries automatically based on keywords. Please see our Keyword-Based Rules tutorialfor more details.
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