Enable the PCLaw Export
Go to Account - Integrations, click the Enable PCLaw CSV Export checkbox, and enter your PC Law Lawyer Number. Click the Save Integration Info button in the upper-right.
Setup Your Clients and Projects (Matters)
Create your Client/Project structure within Chrometa to mirror PCLaw.
Within Chrometa, make sure you have your PCLaw Matter numbers entered in the Project name - you can enter a description along with the matter number. For example, you would name your project Anderson - 123456, which will tell Chrometa that your PCLaw matter number is 123456.
You can bulk import client and project names into Chrometa under the Projects tab.
Exporting Your Chrometa Timesheet to PCLaw
Once you have your Timesheet completed in Chrometa, you can export it to PCLaw with a single click. (More on Chrometa Timesheets here). The data exports in CSV format, and is specifically formatted for PCLaw.
To export project time entries to PCLaw, click on the Export menu to the right of the project name, and select Export to PCLaw
Your time entries will be exported in CSV format, specifically formatted for PCLaw, with the Annotation field from Chrometa becoming the Description in PCLaw. (More on Annotations here).
PCLaw Integration Support
For PCLaw integration support, we've partnered with time and billing system guru Caren Schwartz, an excellent resource for anyone who needs a hand with a custom PCLaw/Chrometa setup.
Caren Schwartz
Time & Cents Consultants, LLC
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