Find Unbilled Time Report
Our Find Unbilled Time report shows you which days you still have uncategorized time for. Click directly on a bar to access the day itself - so that you can assign the remaining unbilled time for that day to your Timesheet.
Click a bar to access the day directly - so that you can assign the remaining uncategorized time entries.
You can access this report by going to Time - Graphs - Time By Day. The calendar in the upper-left corner will allow you to change the date range, and select multiple days for viewing.
Total Time Spent by Project
You can view your time breakdown by project by selecting the Time By Project button, which is located just to the right of the Time By Day button. This report will also update according to the date range you have selected in the upper-right.
Total time spent by project.
Exporting Time Entries to Excel
Our Excel exports are formatted to be pivot table and data manipulation friendly. To export all of your time entries to Excel, use the Export All Time To Excel button located on top of the Unbilled Time line in the Time - Summary view. This will export all time for the date range that you have selected.
Export all time entries to Excel (far-right).
You will find two worksheets in the export. The first worksheet will have all time totaled by activity over the date range selected, while the second worksheet will have this information split by day.
Exporting Timesheets to Excel
To export your entire Timesheet to Excel, click the Export to Excel button located to the right of the Timesheet label:
Export your entire Timesheet to Excel.
To export just one project to Excel, mouse over the settings menu to the right of the project name, and select Export to Excel.
Export a project from your Timesheet to Excel.
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