Gmail users, we now have a way for you to track your time spent on email from your phone. For Android, iPhone, and any other phone that uses Gmail. Here's how it works...
Connect Chrometa to Gmail
Go to Account - Integrations and select Gmail for Smartphones.
Then click Connect With Gmail.
Choose a Gmail Account to Connect With Chrometa
You'll be redirected to a Gmail authorization page, and asked to pick a Gmail account (if you have more than one) to connect with Chrometa. Hint: If you do have more than one Gmail account, and you want to capture all of your mobile email time, then choose the account that you route all of your Gmail into. See: How to combine your Gmail accounts into one inbox.
Login Into Chrometa (One More Time)
Enter your Chrometa login email and password one more time to make the connection between Gmail and Chrometa.
You'll Now See Mobile Gmail Time Tracked in Chrometa!
By default, we'll assign a 2-minute duration to each email you read and each email you compose from your phone. You can adjust this default setting under Account - Integrations - Gmail for Smartphones. You'll now see your "on the go" emails ported in under your mobile device (iPhone, Android, or other). As with our PC and Mac-based Gmail tracking, you'll get the Subject Line of the email, along with the email address of the folk(s) in the To, From, and CC lines.
You can annotate these entries and assign them to clients and projects (or matters). You can also have our keyword-based rules engine do this categorization automatically for you. For example, you can tell Chrometa that all of your emails from a certain email address or certain domain should always go to a specific project (or matter).
Easy - just click here to download Chrometa onto another PC, Mac, iPhone, or Android device:
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